In the aftermath of the devastating August 8, 2023 wildfires, we stand in unity with our beloved Lahaina and Maui. We mourn alongside those who have lost loved ones. The impact has been profound, touching historic landmarks, churches, schools, homes, businesses.
Your support matters greatly. Click below to find donation resources to aid those in need. Contributions to the Lahaina Action Comittee will support Lahaina’s future. Let’s rebuild and nurture together, embodying the spirit of aloha.
Kokua for Maui November 15th
Member Directory
LahainaTown Action Committee promotes, preserves, and encourages the historical, cultural, social, commercial and environmental vitality of Lahaina
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LahainaTown Action Committee serves as a liaison between businesses, government and other organizations who work together to maintain the historic district of Lahaina and West Maui.